Contact Us

Please use the form on the right or visit our contact us page for additional details including phone numbers, email address and physical location. Thank you for your interest and we will respond promptly to your request. 

1125 Cripple Creek Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
United States


Nisewonger Audio Visual Center is a family owned company dedicated to providing educators with the latest in audio visual equipment for use in classrooms across Georgia. We offer over 45 years of experience in sales, service, and installation.

Meet the Team


Nisewonger AV is a family owned company built on innovation, design and integrity. We provide advanced technology and furniture solutions to our customers in order to provide a more effective communication, presentation and teaching experience. We are advancing technology with old-fashioned personal service! Keep Smiling!

Jim Nisewonger

Jim Nisewonger


Jim founded Nisewonger AV in 1968. His vision for the company was to provide customers with the best in audio visual technology while providing old fashioned personal service with a smile. Jim consistently focused on service putting his customer’s needs above his own. He is a servant leader who always ended his phone conversations with “Keep Smiling.” Jim has a unique ability to make others feel special and add value to people.

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Randy Nisewonger

Owner & CEO

Randy has over 35 years of education technology experience. He started as a field technician responsible for deliveries and installation. As the company grew, Randy became an inside sales support manager and eventually VP of operations, focused on helping customers with their technology needs. Today, he serves as CEO where he overseas operations and sales for the company. Randy has carried on the tradition of Nisewonger AV as a customer service leader in the education technology industry.


Sallye Nisewonger


Sallye helped start the company with Jim in 1968 and helped run the business with him for almost 40 years. Sallye was the financial administrator for the business and a consistent supporter of Jim and the employees of the company. She served alongside Jim as Nisewonger AV continued to grow and change. Sallye has a unique ability to make people feel special and at home wherever she is.

Test EmployeeThe following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…

Ashley Yates


Ashley started in 2007 as the financial administrator for the business. She then took over operations where she oversaw daily activity. Today, she serves as President of Nisewonger AV. Ashley has over 10 years of experience in the education technology market. She is responsible for all operational logistics, finance, sales management, and business direction.

Test EmployeeThe following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…

Adam Yates

Vice President

Adam started with Nisewonger AV in 2008. He started in outside sales taking care of customers in North Georgia. Adam then transitioned into project design and sales focusing on AV project design. He is now Vice President and is responsible for business development, project management, and overall sales & marketing strategies.

Test EmployeeThe following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. In sit amet felis malesuada, feugiat purus eget, varius mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit…

Shane Nisewonger

Technical Support Specialist

Shane has been a part of Nisewonger AV since 2015. He started as a field technician focusing on the technical aspects of our projects. Currently, he serves as our technical support specialist responsible for what we call the “CSO” (customer service opportunities) as well as programming, support and training of all of our installed systems.


Joshua Albertson

Marketing & Sales Representative

Joshua Albertson has been a part of Nisewonger AV since 2017. Joshua is responsible for taking care of our customers and follows the sales process through from initial consultation to post-installation. He is in charge of all marketing efforts for our company including all social media.


Dan Webb

Sales Representative

Dan Webb has been a part of Nisewonger AV since 1997. Dan serves as a customer sales representative in the southern region of Georgia. Dan has a longstanding career of taking care of customers and meeting their AV needs. He has over 20 years of educational technology experience.


Michael Croy

Installation Technician Specialist / Electrician

Michael Croy has been a part of Nisewonger AV since 2005. Michael is our lead AV technician responsible for deliveries and installation for our company. He is the guy that knows how to get it done in the field. Michael has installed everything including projectors, screens, displays, video wall systems, etc…


Ted Mueller

Installation Technician Specialist

Ted Mueller has been a part of Nisewonger AV since 2017. He serves as our Installation Technician Specialist. From delivering products, to ensuring that every installation project leaves the client beyond satisfied, Ted is the man on the job.


Danielle Patel

Administrative Assistant

Danielle Patel has been with Nisewonger AV since 2018. She always has a positive attitude and willingness to help! She understands how important customer service is, and is willing to go the extra mile for our customers.