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1125 Cripple Creek Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
United States


Nisewonger Audio Visual Center is a family owned company dedicated to providing educators with the latest in audio visual equipment for use in classrooms across Georgia. We offer over 45 years of experience in sales, service, and installation.

AV System Solutions

LU Interactive Playground

Ashley Yates

Introducing Lü!

Lü is a smart space that understands in real time the behaviors and interactions of people within it. Using the information coming from ceiling mounted 3D cameras, we can control games and tools projected on the wall. We also integrate synchronized lighting and sound effects for a better immersion, in real time.

Lü is available in two different configurations: ÜNO and DÜO. ÜNO consists of one interactive wall. DÜO is the combination of two connected ÜNO facing each other for a larger playground.


Augmented Physical Activity

Video Game and Physical Activity : Lü combines the best of both worlds! Our giant video games and interactive lightings create an engaging experience for players who will forget how intensely they are actually exercising.

Active Learning

Who said mathematics should only be taught the passive way, seated in a classroom? By integrating interactive learning lessons and pedagogical games, Lü transforms the way kids learn by offering a new active approach where multiple skills are developed at the same time.

One Space, Unlimited Functions

We know that the use of premises is a critical issue for most of our clients. Investing in Lü is investing in a system that can multiply the value of a room by making it easily transformable, allowing for multiple uses. The whole system launches awesome games, but components can be combined otherwise to serve different purposes; the lighting system will enhance a disco party or create a nice cocktail environment. Projectors can present films or online content, or could even be used as giant interactive timers.


State of the art audio-visual system

Each ÜNO configuration comes in three (3) different modules to be rigged to the ceiling.

Large scale projection system

5500 lumens WXGA projector protected in a custom enclosure, rigged to the ceiling at 18 ft (5.5m)

Interactive lighting and sound system

The light module comes with 6x 200w LED PAR to manage the ambient lighting and general colors, 2x Robotized LED light fixtures for special light effects and a powerful 2000 watts sound system.

3D Camera and Realtime Processing

Ball detection on the wall is possible through our 3D camera system. Only rigging this camera to the ceiling makes all the magic happens. No need for any technology integration on the wall itself.

Easy, versatile and fast installation

Our system is shipped from Canada pre-assembled. Installation is done by our local specialists and will only take a few hours before the system is fully up and running!

Tailored games for the gym

The system comes with all the available games at the moment of purchase and all upcoming games for a period of 12 months after the installation date. Those games can be discovered online at


Monthly subscription

After the initial 12-month period, the system will remain fully functional but we offer different monthly subscriptions to access additional content, support and warranties.

Wireless microphone kit

A space that big, with a powerful sound system and really excited kids may require some super powers from the teacher/organizer. That’s why we offer an optional wireless microphone kit connected to the main system.

Featured Games