Hall County School District - Visix Digital Signage
Ashley Yates
Visix Digital Signage Solutions - District Wide Deployment
Nisewonger AV partnered with Visix Digital Signage to deploy a district wide digital signage solution for the Hall County School District. Hall County Schools consists of 37 schools with over 27,000 students and over 3,000 staff members. This digital signage deployment consists of over 350 digital signage displays and players all connected to a district wide content management server (CMS). The school system currently utilizes digital signage for all district and school communication, anti-bullying and anti-vaping campaigns, social media messaging, and current events and announcements.
Hall County Schools represents the largest Visix digital signage deployment in a K12 environment in the US.
We offer Visix digital signage players with the AxisTV software application running on Windows 10 IoT as an integrated product. All of our players have built-in security, including Windows Firewall, to ensure your data is protected at all times.
Visix digital signage players support both static and dynamic IP addresses, and remote updates and diagnostics allow maximum accessibility to deliver information quickly. All of our players are quality tested – OS, chip set compatibility, playback, etc. – so they are highly reliable for signage systems.
All Visix digital signage players have an integrated backup and recovery software application that allows you to restore your media player back to its factory OS and software configuration, if ever needed. You can also easily set up additional recovery points.
Check out our article in Sound and Communications magazine starting on page 24.

Click here to find out more about Visix Digital Signage Solutions.