Contact Us

Please use the form on the right or visit our contact us page for additional details including phone numbers, email address and physical location. Thank you for your interest and we will respond promptly to your request. 

1125 Cripple Creek Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
United States


Nisewonger Audio Visual Center is a family owned company dedicated to providing educators with the latest in audio visual equipment for use in classrooms across Georgia. We offer over 45 years of experience in sales, service, and installation.

New Prospect Elementary: Fulton County

AV System Solutions

New Prospect Elementary: Fulton County

Logos Atlanta

New Prospect is a hidden gem in North Fulton County.  Their school is small but impressive.  Working collaboratively with parents and community members, their teachers nurture and promote self-worth and respect for all learners. New Prospect typifies a true neighborhood school surrounded by many supportive residential communities.  They are extremely proud of our diverse student body and love the fact that they have students from a variety of backgrounds, cultures and races!