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1125 Cripple Creek Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
United States


Nisewonger Audio Visual Center is a family owned company dedicated to providing educators with the latest in audio visual equipment for use in classrooms across Georgia. We offer over 45 years of experience in sales, service, and installation.

Poole's Mill Elementary: Forsyth County

AV System Solutions

Poole's Mill Elementary: Forsyth County

Ashley Yates

Lü, the playground maker, transforms traditional environments into interactive spaces using traditional materials and audiovisual equipment. The new Poole’s Mill playground features a giant wall projection with lights and a sound system, and a 3-D camera system that turns that wall into a touchscreen platform.

Lü is an interactive playground that uses lights, sounds and video to transform any gym into an engaging, immersive video game.

LÜ is a smart space that understands in real time the behaviors and interactions of people within it. Using the information coming from ceiling mounted 3D cameras, we drive games and tools projected on the wall. We also integrate synchronized lighting and sound effects for a better immersion, in real time.

3D Camera and Realtime Processing
Create a Smart Gym with active play to engage kids. Various games can use Ball detection on the wall with the 3D sensor system.

Interactive Light and Sound System
Deliver immersive ambient lighting, special robotized light effects and a powerful 2000 watts sound system. Besides interactive play, you can use the Lu system for other purposes (Lighting, theater, education)

Large Scale Projection System
Powerful WXGA professional laser projector protected in a custom enclosure. Creates a large smart video wall for a fully immersive experience.

Choose from 3 Models: Uno (Single Interactive Wall), Duo (Two units facing each-other for more multiplayer gameplay in larger spaces) , Mobile (Simple 20 minute installation is great for shared spaces and locations). Optional Monthly Subscription after Year 1, adds additional content, support and extended warranty.

Uno Specifications:

ÜNO is the single awesome interactive wall synchronized with lighting and sound effects, perfect for smaller spaces or groups. ÜNO comes with all the equipment, turn-key installation and all our amazing games (existing and future), for the next 12 months.